Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I am not actually a vegetarian because i think meats are delicious and they are enjoyable. My opinion about eating is not simple. I think eating is not just for supplying nutritions to our body, but also for enjoying. Eating itself is happy thing. But if i became vegetarians, I wouldn't enjoy so many delicious food made from meat. So I would not like to be a vegetarian. Some people wanna be vegetarian and i had a chance to speak with one of them. They think eating meat is too cruel to animal. Becuase all of those meats come from animals. To get meat, we have to kill animals. Actually, I can understand their idea and why they are trying to be vegetarian. But that's the order of nature. Strong animals eat weak animal. This has been the natural order from the first when life of creature began. Now we have the power and even if killing animal is too cruel for them, I belive that it's not as cruel as wild lion killing other weak animal. At least, we can give them a painless death. Of course I disagree with a kind of people who beat animals to make their meat soft. But eating meat itself is not a problem and that's my opinion.

Actually, eating meat is not necessary to live. We can definetely live without meat. We can get every nutrients for living from vegetables and other things. And eating too much meat can increase your blood cholesterol level, which is likely to be dangerous. But as i said, meat is delicious and eating delicious food is for my happy life. I would not give up meat. Never.

Monday, May 27, 2013

My classification essay. A classification standard for crimes

Have you heard of the word jury? Jury is a group of non professional people who are summoned to a court to judge a criminal case. As we are living in the United States, It seems that all of us have a pretty high opportunity to be choosen as a member of a jury. Because of that, It is very important for us to have precise skills to see a criminal case exactly to prevent the unfair verdict from happening. First of all, we should know how to classify crimes so that we can take some advantages from it, Which will definitely make it easier for us to interpret criminal cases better. But unfortunately, We are not professional so it is very difficult for us to do this. So I will give you some suggestion about what kind of standards can be used to classify crimes.

The first important standard for crime classification is whether it is intentional or not. If a crime was intentionally planned and done before, then it is likely to have high priority to be guilty. On the other hand, If a crime was just done by accident and there was no purpose on it, then we can consider that this has low guilty priority. For example, Let's suppose that there was a accident that a man killed another man with a gun and robbed him. Then we can try to think it was intentional or not. Obviously, This guy killed the other guy on purpose to steal his money or something. So this was intentional crime and we can give him a harsh verdict in a court. Here is another imaginary situation. There was a accident that a man was fighting with another man. The man pushed the other man in the fight but accidently, pushed guy's head was crushed on the ground and died as a consequence of it. Try to think of it. This guy didn't mean to kill him from the first so we can think this guy was not as much guilty as the previous case.

(To be continue)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My narrative essay. 'The wandering at the evening'

Have you ever wandered in cold evening, just following strangers on street? Yes i have and it was one of my silliest mistake i've ever done in America. It was a cold evening and there was a party which i wanted to participate in. The party was hosted by intrax students and the time when we were supposed to meet was 7:30 pm in front of a welgreen. So i left home at 6:30 but unfortunately i noticed that i had just missed a bus. So i checked bus schedule and found out that next bus was going to be here after 20 minutes. At the moment, my brain started to make a plan, calculating variables. 'Usually, it takes 30 minutes from here to downtown at the most. So even if i just missed one bus, i can still arrive in downtown until 7:20 and i can probably make it to welgreen before 7:30!' So far, everything seemed like there was no problem and the situation was under my control. But until that moment, i had never known that this small flapping of butterfly could trigger a destructive hurricane in my journey to the party.

I waited next bus for 20 minutes and finally i could get in the bus. It almost took 30 minutes to get downtown, which i had expected exactly. I smiled and checked time. It was 7:20 pm and what i had to do was finding the welgreen. But suddenly, i noticed that i hadn't brought the paper in which the important information was included. All adresses, from the welgreen to the party location, were in the paper! For 10 seconds, i was standing in the middle of the street as if i got out of mind. But i couldn't stay like that. I needed to find a solution to get through this trouble.

My brain started to spin again to find out a solution for this pretty messed situation. Luckly, i came to get an idea. 'Even if i don't know where is the welgreen, i can still search it's location with google map in my cell phone and if i find students in front of the welgreen, i can just follow them!' As soon as i got this idea, i hold my cell phone and searched welgreen with google map. But the result was not what i had expected. There were 3 possible welgreens around me! I checked time again and it was 7:21 pm. The 10 minutes, which i had thought enough to get in the welgreen, was not enough anymore. I felt like time was horrible snake and it was rapidly chasing my back with deadly poison on it's sharp tooth. I had to check these 3 welgreens in 9 minutes. 'If i fail this, i would miss the only hope to get in the party!' That was my last thinking. I jumped into the action right after that.

When i checked all welgreens, it was 7:40 and i couldn't find any student in front of them. It was too late. I miserably plodded on the street. What i could do was just heading to intrax building with a last hope to meet any acquaintance in there. When i was getting close to intrax building, it was 7:55 and the party was supposed to start at 8:00. I glanced the front door of intrax and i saw 4 people in there.
i checked how they looked like. This group consisted of three girls with a kind of hood and one black guy. And this hood was usually for Saudiarabian female! Faster than wind, I tried to make a connection between them and intrax students. Yes! there were usually a lot of Saudiarabian students in intrax. And they were even dressed in fancy clothes which were likely to be matched for party. At this moment, i came to a conclusion. 'Those guys must be intrax students and they are going to the party' After a few seconds, they started to move as i had expected. I felt as if i had just catched last rope before going down to bottom of cliff. The only thing i could do was hanging on it. I began to follow them silently.

7 minutes was gone since i had started to follow them and this was the time when they stopped first. They were stopping in front of the welgreen which i had checked before. Actually i had been thinking to identify whether they were really intrax students or not. But after i watched them standing in front of the welgreen, This kind of thinking ended so suddenly. Three Saudiarabian girls with party clothes, who once had standed at intrax front door, were now stopping at the welgreen. This information made me construct a perfect connection to consider them as intrax students. I always thought that my analyzing skills were pretty good and i never gave it a doubt.  As they moved again, i followed them again like a stalker with a full of confidence.

It was closing 20 minutes since i had started to follow them and that was the time when i came to think something was wrong. They were moving over and over, and i still couldn't find any sign of my destination. So i decided to ask it to them. Because i had been so sneaky, they never noticed i was following them. I approached them and said, "hello? You guys are students of intrax right?" They stared me like that didn't catch what i had said. One of them asked back to me. "You mean we are international student?" "No." I said, "I N T R A X." I spoke this word as slowly and precisely as i could. And their answer, which returned to me, was like dragging me into the hell. "No.. Sorry."

It was a dead end. I felt like i was totally lost and time was going over 8:20 pm. I got frustrated and i regreted so much. How silly was i?. if i just had asked it to them before, this kind of worst situation would never have happened. I standed in the street and looked around the surroundings which were so unfamiliar to me. I felt rage wind twisting my body like it was a living snake. I trembled, feeling cold. It was getting darker and i felt like the darkness was roaming and floting in the air as if it was dangerous creature. At the moment, One proverb suddenly came to my mind. 'Pride will have a fail' I just kept reminding that proverb to me over and over.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

American culture

It has been almost 2 months since i came here. During the time, i have gone through some extraordinary american style cultures and i think i like them. First of all, what i surprised most is how friendly people are. In Korea, we don't usually say hello to stranger. Of course, we do sometimes, but it does not frequently happen. I think that comes from cultural difference. It's just my assumption. I think in Korea, we usually get respection for people who are older than me. So we tend to act more politely and always try to be careful about our word selection, which makes our conversation a little bit unnatural. We don't usually express ourselves much when we are in conversation with elder people. I think that's the reason why we tend to avoid sudden conversation unconsciously. Some korean might not agree with my opinion because he or she is not like this. But in average, american people are less likely to hestitate to initiate conversation with stranger. Actually i have got a couple of sudden conversation with stranger since i came here and i enjoyed it. And it was good chance for me to practice English. :)

And i think america is one of the fastest countries for everything in the world. For example, when we order food in store, it usually comes out very fast. And i can feel that people even walk fast. But that's not surprising to me because i am sure that Korea also belongs to these fastest countries group. Actually i think korea is a little bit more faster than america, which is weird somehow. This so called 'fast culture' came from America but we are doing more faster than America! I had been in europe about 2 years and they are really slow. Of course there is some benefits we can get by living slowly but for me, i prefer to be quick. My life style already got used to fast style. So i like America!

And it's about american family. Honestly, i don't know much about it but i stayed with one american familly for just one month as a homestaying student. I think they were friendly and nice so i liked it. Maybe, they are not common american family because there are always at least 2~3 international students in their home so i can't make generalization of how american family is from it. 

So this is my general evaluation about american culture. Most of american style is not new for us anymore. Thanks to Globalization, american culture is common in my country. So actually there was nothing special to me. I generally like it and i think i can be part of american citizen without any problem. But what i was less satisfied was the point that i couldn't find more like traditional things in america. We can say that america is multiculture country and that's true. but sometimes, united culture make citizen united. I am interested in other cultures but in America, i couldn't find something like tradition. That was so sad. I Hope that maybe after 500~1000 years later, America will get their own tradition. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

My essay - 'Changes of diet in Korea'

Have you heard of the word 'Global village' ? It is the special term to refer to the world on the earth in which we feel like it's just small village. Development of technologies enable us to communicate much faster than before, making us feel like the world is much smaller than actually it is. So it's not weird to find foreign cultures and foreigner people in Korea anymore. The border of each countries is disappearing. And when it comes to diet pattern, The situation is also not different. For last 50 years, diet pattern in korea has been changed a lot. Because of that, There have been changes in several area. It might be possitive or it might be negative. Then let's see the details. what kind of effect is resulted from change of diet in Korea?

We can find some positive effects resulted from change of diet in korea. First of all, There has been overall increase in our average height. Now we are not as small as we were in the past. We don't have any problems in nutrition supply, which is definitely affecting growth of our body. And thanks to that, we are less likely to get diseases which usually come from malnutritions. Second, we can esaily get foods from other countries. Thanks to the development of transportation, we can get pretty fresh food which is hard to find in Korea. So we can enjoy these kind of foreign food whenever we want. Third, we start to aware certain food is bad for health so we can avoid them. Nowadays, everyone can find out the ingredients of certain food by simple searching with internet. Now we know eating too much rice can be bad for our health, which was unclear in the past because rice was main meal of korea at that time. So far, it's about positive aspects of diet change in korea  caused by globalization. Then let's see what kind of negative aspects have we got from it.

Because of diet change in Korea, There are some negative effects. They are usually related with diseases. They are so critical that they have affected much more than sum of all positive effects have. As globalization began, big companies appeared. The foods from these companies are called junk food Because they are not good for your health. People are more busy now, so they usually don't have time to prepare meal. These big companies take advantage of this fact. Their food is easy to eat, not even expensive and it usually comes out very fast. So more and more people are getting interested in this food. But unfortunately, this kind of food is junk food. It contains not only high calories but also is not fresh at all. They are processed food and nobody can guarentee how fresh they are. According to statistics, Our society has been getting problems related with obesity, high blood presure and several other diseases which we usually didn't have before since this fast food store appeared in Korea. Now korea is getting sick because of it.

It's obvious that diet change has affected a lot of things in korea for last 50 years. Now we can't turn back to the past. Then what do we have to do in this situation? We have to be careful more than before about what we eat. If we start to care about it, i am sure that we can prevent these junk food related diseases from occuring. We can manage them and control them as long as you are cautious about what you eat so that we can maximize positive effects and minimize negative effects of diet change in Korea.

(In progress)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Roun and Asma camparison

I think me and asma are sharing some common personalities. For example, she is optimistic and usually kind to people and so am i. That's very interesting when considering we lived in different country. She is from Saudiarabia and i am from Korea. But actually the factors like cultural backgrounds and environmental factors are not the one which can be ignored easily.

the picture to illustrate culture is expressed through individual personality.

 It takes a lot of part in determining who the person is. So even if we share a couple of similar personalities, we also have some differences. For example, it's about our eatting habbit. she hates to eat spicy one but i like to.

This one is called 'kimchi' one of the famous traditional food in korea

 and a kind of lifestyle is also different between us. but when it comes to personality or taste in music or something like that, we incredibly have similarities. she doesn't have specific favorite music type and usually enjoy every kind of music as far as the music is good and so do i. and she likes books written by Agasa Christie, who is the one of best novel author in suspection or crime related field.

Our favorite book by Agasa.

So my conclusion is even with some differences which come from environmental factors, we have more similarities than them, which can make us overcome them. We can be good friends. What was the most funny thing is, we both refused to find out some negative adjective to describe us. We think both of us are too good so we couldn't find it. This means we have confidence in ourselves.