Sunday, May 19, 2013

My narrative essay. 'The wandering at the evening'

Have you ever wandered in cold evening, just following strangers on street? Yes i have and it was one of my silliest mistake i've ever done in America. It was a cold evening and there was a party which i wanted to participate in. The party was hosted by intrax students and the time when we were supposed to meet was 7:30 pm in front of a welgreen. So i left home at 6:30 but unfortunately i noticed that i had just missed a bus. So i checked bus schedule and found out that next bus was going to be here after 20 minutes. At the moment, my brain started to make a plan, calculating variables. 'Usually, it takes 30 minutes from here to downtown at the most. So even if i just missed one bus, i can still arrive in downtown until 7:20 and i can probably make it to welgreen before 7:30!' So far, everything seemed like there was no problem and the situation was under my control. But until that moment, i had never known that this small flapping of butterfly could trigger a destructive hurricane in my journey to the party.

I waited next bus for 20 minutes and finally i could get in the bus. It almost took 30 minutes to get downtown, which i had expected exactly. I smiled and checked time. It was 7:20 pm and what i had to do was finding the welgreen. But suddenly, i noticed that i hadn't brought the paper in which the important information was included. All adresses, from the welgreen to the party location, were in the paper! For 10 seconds, i was standing in the middle of the street as if i got out of mind. But i couldn't stay like that. I needed to find a solution to get through this trouble.

My brain started to spin again to find out a solution for this pretty messed situation. Luckly, i came to get an idea. 'Even if i don't know where is the welgreen, i can still search it's location with google map in my cell phone and if i find students in front of the welgreen, i can just follow them!' As soon as i got this idea, i hold my cell phone and searched welgreen with google map. But the result was not what i had expected. There were 3 possible welgreens around me! I checked time again and it was 7:21 pm. The 10 minutes, which i had thought enough to get in the welgreen, was not enough anymore. I felt like time was horrible snake and it was rapidly chasing my back with deadly poison on it's sharp tooth. I had to check these 3 welgreens in 9 minutes. 'If i fail this, i would miss the only hope to get in the party!' That was my last thinking. I jumped into the action right after that.

When i checked all welgreens, it was 7:40 and i couldn't find any student in front of them. It was too late. I miserably plodded on the street. What i could do was just heading to intrax building with a last hope to meet any acquaintance in there. When i was getting close to intrax building, it was 7:55 and the party was supposed to start at 8:00. I glanced the front door of intrax and i saw 4 people in there.
i checked how they looked like. This group consisted of three girls with a kind of hood and one black guy. And this hood was usually for Saudiarabian female! Faster than wind, I tried to make a connection between them and intrax students. Yes! there were usually a lot of Saudiarabian students in intrax. And they were even dressed in fancy clothes which were likely to be matched for party. At this moment, i came to a conclusion. 'Those guys must be intrax students and they are going to the party' After a few seconds, they started to move as i had expected. I felt as if i had just catched last rope before going down to bottom of cliff. The only thing i could do was hanging on it. I began to follow them silently.

7 minutes was gone since i had started to follow them and this was the time when they stopped first. They were stopping in front of the welgreen which i had checked before. Actually i had been thinking to identify whether they were really intrax students or not. But after i watched them standing in front of the welgreen, This kind of thinking ended so suddenly. Three Saudiarabian girls with party clothes, who once had standed at intrax front door, were now stopping at the welgreen. This information made me construct a perfect connection to consider them as intrax students. I always thought that my analyzing skills were pretty good and i never gave it a doubt.  As they moved again, i followed them again like a stalker with a full of confidence.

It was closing 20 minutes since i had started to follow them and that was the time when i came to think something was wrong. They were moving over and over, and i still couldn't find any sign of my destination. So i decided to ask it to them. Because i had been so sneaky, they never noticed i was following them. I approached them and said, "hello? You guys are students of intrax right?" They stared me like that didn't catch what i had said. One of them asked back to me. "You mean we are international student?" "No." I said, "I N T R A X." I spoke this word as slowly and precisely as i could. And their answer, which returned to me, was like dragging me into the hell. "No.. Sorry."

It was a dead end. I felt like i was totally lost and time was going over 8:20 pm. I got frustrated and i regreted so much. How silly was i?. if i just had asked it to them before, this kind of worst situation would never have happened. I standed in the street and looked around the surroundings which were so unfamiliar to me. I felt rage wind twisting my body like it was a living snake. I trembled, feeling cold. It was getting darker and i felt like the darkness was roaming and floting in the air as if it was dangerous creature. At the moment, One proverb suddenly came to my mind. 'Pride will have a fail' I just kept reminding that proverb to me over and over.

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